Tuesday, July 12, 2011

From Iceland to Copenhagen!

Godmorgen from Denmark everyone! The sun is shining very bright, and the air is cool and crisp! I only have a couple minutes to do an update since we are eager to get our 1st day in Copenhagen under way! We arrived safely yesterday evening from Iceland, and were greeted by our host here with a lovely lasagna dinner! :) We are totally spoiled at this point and thank God for the amazing level of generousity we have experienced from total strangers. It reminds me of the whole "give them your cloak, too" just in terms of the incredible giving spirits we've been around -- not at all related to stealing! haha

The apartment we're in this morning is lovely and very modern. The balcony overlooks a bit of the harbor as well as one of the most commerical Danish TV stations. We are thinking we'll partake in the free bike rentals, or take the boat downtown. I'm also eager to see my cousin, Emily, this evening who lives here and wants to BBQ outside tonight before tomorrow's rain hits.

Before I go I'll leave you guys with one small tidbit that I really liked about Iceland -- they have NO mosquitos!!!! LOVE IT! My legs are just beginning to heal from MD's crazy biters, but alas the rest of the world has mosquitoes, including Copenhagen...although neither Copenhagen nor Iceland have any wild animals -- except the occasional fox in Iceland, which was imported at some point...no snakes there, no big spiders...no frogs/lizards/anything...so unusual, but so neat!

Lots of love, Jilv'

I'll try to paste a nice pic or two of breathtaking Iceland. You'll see there is tons of sunshine in each pic -- that's b/c we got SUPER lucky with the weather and were apparently there during the best four days they've had yet this year!! Another blessing <3

Love and miss you all tons!!!

The water on the outskirts of downtown Reyjkavik - reminded Sal of Seattle :)

Thingveller (correct spelling to follow!) - land of the smurfs?

Gullfoss falls - and rainbow!

Loved this horses and their big hair!!

Place we hiked with natural hot springs!

Sal threatened these birds by running down to the water LOL - he was fine though, just a funny pic!

Sal enjoying greater harmony with our winged friends


  1. Iceland looks beautiful! What a great way to start the trip. I'm glad you all made it safely to your first destination :) jen

  2. Wow! Loving these posts Jill... Iceland looks amazing!!! I'm glad you are getting nice weather. It was pouring in Copenhagen when I was there so I didn't see much at all! :(

  3. Thanks Jen and Erin! Iceland was out of this world beautiful. Everywhere you look there is interesting and different landscape. We want to go back for longer for sure! Can't wait to share more pics, especially some of the really good ones that we're so glad we captured. :) Erin, it's pouring right now, but we've been lucky the last two days with the weather. A friend here told us rain is the norm! Icky sorry to hear! We head to Berlin tmrow morning!

  4. Looks beautiful, romantic, and adventurous. Btw, all I see when I look at the website name is "sex" :)
